Sustainable Industrial Development
Creating Value for Business, Environment and Community.
Strategic Rail Finance advises the public and private sectors on development projects that simultaneously create value for business, community, and the environment. Every engagement is an opportunity to pursue these “triple-bottom-line” results for our clients, investors and stakeholders.

While individual projects may benefit one or more of these three areas, in the aggregate we seek to achieve significant benefits in all of them while avoiding projects that are clearly injurious to any. We often help steer our clients away from strategies aimed at easy, short-term profit at the expense of longer-term business opportunities and broader community interests.
Growth and improvement in railroading will come from more customer-focused railroad operations, changes in investment strategies, sustainable railroad construction practices, cleaner locomotive fuel technologies, more collaborative community and government relations, and engagement in freight-based land use planning.
Sustainable Industrial development provides for needs and wants of the community, while balancing complex relationships with natural resource development, energy supply, freight transportation, supply chains, capital markets, labor, technology, public policy and regulation, international trade, customer behavior, human communities, and ecology. SRF brings sensitivity to this broader context when advising clients. We help them navigate these complex relationships to improve project success and sustainability. This is a “systems” approach to sustainability that encompasses human concerns and corporate responsibilities, while still delivering profits.
SRF recognizes the imperative to work diligently and intelligently to fix failing systems, keep people safe, and improve our environment while growing the economy. Our experience has demonstrated that driving growth in rail usage and improving rail service require and support the sustainable industrial development that our world needs.
Affiliated Nonprofit
OnTrackNorthAmerica is a non-profit 501C-3 action think-tank for sustainable freight transportation. Created by SRF founder Michael Sussman in 2007, OTNA is committed to the smartest integration of railroads, trucks, and waterways for a better economy, environment, and community. SRF is committed to bringing OTNA’s groundbreaking concepts, planning tools and tranportation disciplines to the public and private sectors.